Engineering / Configuration

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Engineering / Configuration


制造智能 (MI) 拥有大量的工程功能,它们几乎涵盖了为分析准备制造数据所需的方方面面。 当“虚拟 MI 解决方案”配置好之后,就可以轻松地将其部署在多个物理系统上。 因此您可以创建不同的方案,然后针对开发、测试、QA 或生产对每个方案进行修改。


MI Studio


MI Studio is the solution management application of Manufacturing Intelligence. In addition to the centralized approach in configuration and deployment, it allows information ingestion in one or or more data warehouses. MI Studio acts as a container of objects such as projects, scenarios, data flows, time definitions and smart views.


Project based engineering approach


The project based engineering principal of Manufacturing Intelligence is self-consistent and represents the complete metadata rules of a customer solution such as functional scope, enterprise geography, data sources and data exchange schedule. It allows single configuration and deployment into different usage environments like production, quality insurance, and development.