Data Exposition

Data Exposition



通过上下文驱动的数据导航和可视化工具选择上的开放性可以加强制造智能的数据展示。 除 OOTB 之外,行业专用的标准仪表板还用于轻松地创建自己特有的交互式仪表板。


Context driven data navigation


Manufacturing intelligence crosses process and production data, and enables context driven data navigation. Metrics and KPIs can be navigated across contexts, including order, product, equipment and time.


Visualization tools


Manufacturing intelligence allows the use of third-party visualization tools like Tableau and MS Power BI for dashboards, and MS Reporting Services for paginated reports. This allows customers to use already available visualization applications and be more cost effective.


“On the fly” historical analysis


Manufacturing intelligence stores data in a optimized, compressed column-store that allows users to perform self-service analysis, accessing and calculating KPIs for all data stored in the Manufacturing Analytical Model. This allows you to navigate by any context of analysis and get to the root cause.