Reverse Engineering

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Reverse Engineering


许多行业习惯上都要在其设计过程使用扫描的 3D 数据。 在过去,这都需要经过非常耗时、有时甚至是十分复杂的过程。 特别是不规则的形状,它们需要大量的逆向工程,以便用于 3D 打印、模具设计、分析或其他用途。 您可以利用 NX 以小平面的形式导入扫描数据,这样就无需映射曲面、创建实体或手动创建任何其他形状。 您可以扫描数据并立即开始为 3D 打印创建支持、根据形状创建模具、将其包含在装配件中、对其进行分析,或执行任何其他必须使用 CAD 数据才能进行的操作。


Convergent Technology


The first technology of its kind, Convergent Modeling ™ Technology allows designers to combine facets, surfaces, and solids in one model without converting data. This allows facet data to now be an equal part of the design process


Import Scanned Data


Easily import and optimize scanned data. NX directly imports polygon facet data acquired by scanning physical objects. NX allows you to bring the scanned data in as facets, so there's no need to map surfaces, create solids, or do any other manual shape creation. You can scan your data and immediately begin building supports for 3D printing.


Hybrid Modeling


With NX hybrid modeling, you can develop freeform designs using any combination of modeling techniques from a broad toolset.

·Create conceptual layouts quickly from raster images or CAD sketches, using curves and sections to extrude, loft, revolve and extend the geometry.

  • ·Create surfaces from meshes of curves.
  • ·Use parametric, feature-based design tools to build details, with advanced features like styled blends.
  • ·Edit faces with synchronous freeform modeling, sculpting solids by moving iso-parameter curves and poles with push-and-pull simplicity.