Supplier Program Management

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Supplier Program Management


保持项目正常推进并对任务和可交付成果进行妥善管理是您按时将产品成功推向市场的关键所在。 但是,如何确保将任务分配给正确的项目成员? 特别是在 Teamcenter 环境之外的那些成员? 通过供应商计划管理,您可以在整个计划环境中规划和执行供应商项目。 这使您可以了解并跟踪供应商交付成果,以缩短周期时间和产品上市时间。

您可以从 Teamcenter 任务工作流程启动数据共享,并将任务指派给其他不是内部 Teamcenter 用户的供应商。 您的供应商可通过安全的供应商门户接收任务请求通知(说明和参考数据等)。 之后,供应商可上传和提交其可交付成果,以此对请求予以回应。 经批准后,由供应商交付的成果可以整合到 Teamcenter 中的产品定义。


Assign tasks and gather deliverables to suppliers outside of your Teamcenter system


Teamcenter Supplier Program Management provides you with the ability to communicate with your suppliers who need to participate in programs, even if they are outside of your Teamcenter environment. You can include suppliers in your program execution projects by assigning them tasks and tracking their deliverables. Suppliers will be notified of tasks, and leverage the secure and easy-to-use supplier web portal to view task requests and details, download reference files, upload deliverables, and sign-off on their tasks.


Intuitive supplier web portal to minimize training costs and save time


The intuitive nature of the supplier web portal minimizes supplier training needs, saving you time and money. Your project managers can select suppliers outside of your Teamcenter to include as project members and assign tasks to them. Suppliers receive notification of task requests, sign in to the supplier web portal using their assigned credentials. From the web portal, suppliers can download information, upload deliverables and sign off on tasks. The web portal allows them to track assignments, due dates and deliveries. Project managers gain complete visibility into supplier statuses.


Keep projects on track with support for program standards (APQP)


Support for industry program standards around supplier processes and visibility into these processes is key to keeping your programs on track. Capabilities delivered with Supplier Program Management help you execute programs efficiently by including suppliers as part of the execution process. Leveraging the schedule manager, you can create project plans with tasks that have prerequisites and deliverables managed in Teamcenter. Project plans give you the ability to record task dependencies and manage critical paths, allowing you to look at the full schedule and monitor critical paths instead of all activities. You can assign some or all tasks to suppliers who are outside of your Teamcenter environment and manage their activity as part of the overall program schedule. This functionality and the management of standard project templates supports processes like Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP).