Energy and sustainability

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Total Energy Management – a new approach to energy and sustainability management


In today’s disrupted world, an organization’s ability to grow its business while reducing its carbon footprint is key to sustainable competitiveness. This is why in September 2015, Siemens announced that it aimed to be the world's first major industrial company to achieve a net-zero carbon footprint by 2030. One way we aim to achieve this is by changing how we consume and buy energy, but also through increased use of on-site energy production – all supported by continuous data analyses. We call this Total Energy Management, and this is the same approach we follow to help clients around the world reduce their energy and operating costs plus their carbon footprint.


Energy-efficient building automation


Our building automation and control systems (BACS) are based on open communication standards and fulfill highest standards in energy efficiency. The systems are designed to be combined with each other, so each solution is a perfect match that minimizes installation and operating costs while providing high levels of security and failure protection.


Together Navigator and MindSphere open unlimited possibilities


Your building’s data and the insights generated by Navigator have even more potential when paired with MindSphere, the cloud-based, open Internet of Things (IoT) operating system from Siemens. MindSphere connects products, plants, systems and machines to harness the wealth of data generated by IoT with advanced analytics. By leveraging the performance, asset and maintenance data from Navigator, new apps can be created to tackle even the toughest and most unique problems.