Advanced Scheduling

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Advanced Scheduling


高级规划软件是一款交互式、多约束规划系统。 在规划期间,所有资源(例如刀具和材料)的可用性和附加约束都会纳入考量,以确保对环境进行准确的建模。 用户可以使用智能的内置规则快速规划订单,并且规划人员还可以手动调整规划,根据他们的经验或获得的新信息来进行更改。



Advanced Constraint Modeling (Professional)


Model advanced resource constraints, such as rules about concurrent rule usage, and advanced inter-operation constraints including limits on the time between operations and how much operation times can be extended.


Assembly Process Visualization (Professional)


Visualize the assembly process from raw materials through to finished goods and sales orders in the Material Explorer. This shows a graphical view of the material dependencies as well as plots of stock levels over time. See where shortages will occur and choose to keep them as a constraint, or ignore them.


Order Based Multi-Constraint Scheduling (Standard)


Create order based schedules and apply a ranking or weighting in order to prioritize orders. The software schedules based on availability of resources, additional constraints and materials required for the order. Create schedules taking in to account different operation run speeds on different resources, use sequence dependent changeover times based on operation attributes, and allow overlaps and slack time between operations.