Industry software

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Maximum efficiency throughout the automation project: SIMATIC software


Automation software is essential for ensuring a high level of functionality and efficiency in all phases of a plant's or machine's life cycle, from the field to the corporate management level.   On the basis of SIMATIC software, Siemens helps you to shorten your time-to-market through simplified engineering and simulation tools, as well as to increase performance via diagnostics and energy management functions and rapidly remedy problems, including via remote access.


Integrated plant management over the entire lifecycle – from engineering to operation


International competition, huge costs and time pressure, improved productivity and quality: Plant engineers and operators are expected to implement projects as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible with consistent data management. Whether for plant engineering, plant operation or modernization: with the integrated software solution COMOS you can secure consistent and comprehensive plant management for the process industry.


Siemens Opcenter


Siemens Opcenter (formerly known as Manufacturing Operations Center) is a holistic Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) solution that enables you to implement your strategy for the complete digitalization of manufacturing operations. Siemens Opcenter provides end-to-end visibility into production, allowing decision makers to readily identify areas to be improved within both the product design and associated manufacturing processes, and make the necessary operational adjustments for smoother and more efficient production.


Clever combination: Testing and training of automation projects


Bringing products to the market faster while maintaining the same level of quality requires integrated engineering workflows as well as short changeover and start-up times. The simulation platform SIMIT enables comprehensive tests of automation applications and provides a realistic training environment for operator even before the real startup. This creates opportunities for process optimization and know-how retention which results in reduced commissioning time and significantly shortened time-to-market. Overall this means more efficiency throughout the entire lifecycle of manufacturing and process plants.