Advanced Planning

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Advanced Planning


高级规划软件是一个战略决策工具,它旨在帮助您进行中长期规划。 它会考虑到预测和长期订单,为关于可行性的决策提供支持,并影响生产的总体方向。

高级规划软件支持围绕着扩展劳动力、资源能力和工厂所制定的重要生产能力决策。 它可以帮助您决定要制造什么和要制造多少,在哪里制造和什么时候制造,以及需要哪些材料和资源。

您可以在有限产能或无限产能模式下执行规划,时间期限可以是数天、数周、数月或者是三者的组合。 如果与我们的高级调度系统一起使用,还可以将详细的生产计划信息发回至规划系统,以便用计划的数量覆盖规划的数量。 然后可以使用生产计划作为新结果的基数重新计算主生产计划 (MPS)。


BOM Level Planning


The planning Bill of Materials (BOM) can be exploded, and then the production plan for lower level items is calculated in the same way. Based on the MOM explosion and the production plan, proposed material purchase requirements can be exported to an ERP system or Excel for action.


Interactive Schedule Visualization


Once an initial Master Production Schedule (MPS) has been created, data can be displayed as stock profile graphs and capacity usage graphs. The MPS can be changed by simply clicking and dragging a point on the stock or capacity graphs, and the production of a particular item can be moved from one planning period to another. Any changes made will be reflected in all the linked plot and grid windows.


Make-To-Order Planning


In a make-to-order environment, stock levels of finished and intermediate items will not be part of the key process parameters. But there will still be the need to evaluate the effects of future demand changes on the manufacturing process. When a change in demand occurs, whether in terms of quantity or delivery dates, there is a need to be able to quickly assess if it is possible to meet the new requirements.