Bill of Materials Management

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Bill of Materials Management


不论您的产品所包含的零件数是数十个还是数千万个,有效的物料清单 (BOM) 管理和配置都是取得成功的关键。 当您开发更多创新产品来保持竞争力时,管理准确的产品定义(包括物料清单)将变得越来越复杂。 您需要协调可用选项和特征的前期规划来满足客户需求,同时与越来越多需要与制造、服务和支持部门合作的合作伙伴和供应商建立关联。 所有这一切都意味着产品定义的广度和深度正在不断变化和扩展。 您将如何应对这种情况? 您真的了解自己的产品吗?

Teamcenter® 可提供企业内通用的物料清单 (BOM) 信息源,可助您了解自己的产品。 无论您需要基础 BOM 管理,还是具备更大灵活性和可扩展性的高级 BOM 管理和配置,您总能满足甚至超越市场对更具创新性和多变性产品的需求。


BOM Visualization & DMU


Stakeholders across the enterprise can interact with an accurate, aligned 3D representation of the BOM without asking a designer or being CAD experts themselves. This visual representation helps with clear communication, resulting in fewer errors. More robust DMU capabilities tie your virtual and physical product definitions together, providing accurate digital validation and simulation. You can digitally validate your products, ensuring that what has been designed can actually be built, eliminating costly prototypes.