BOM Configuration Management

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BOM Configuration Management


客户希望您可提供多样选择。 这些选择需要有效的物料清单 (BOM) 配置管理。 所提供的每款产品变体都有其个别产品定义,管理这些定义极易失控。 这会导致您无法将精力用在产品创新上,反而花费大量的时间管理物料清单 (BOM) 配置;此外,您还需随着产品的演化对其进行更新。

无论您提供的是一小组标准产品,还是需要具有一系列客户服务的平台,抑或是处理针对每组独特客户需求的订单,Teamcenter® 都能交付灵活的物料清单 (BOM) 配置策略,支持所有产品配置。 物料清单 (BOM) 配置管理能够对多样性进行单一定义,从规划到开发再到制造乃至其他方面,对多样性加以充分利用。




Powerful CTO capabilities in Teamcenter can help you deliver the variety your customers demand, while driving profitability. Teamcenter enables product line engineering with a single definition of variability across the lifecycle. Product options aren’t tied to design data, but are managed independently and can be leveraged across the organization. This provides an easy to use common source of configuration data that can be used by planning, engineering, manufacturing and more.




Engineer to Order (ETO) capabilities in Teamcenter allow you to take the complex, long lead time ETO process and make it execute with nearly the same speed and precision as a more configurable product. You can capture the engineering rules and guidelines that you use every day to design your products. You can use those rules to automatically generate a new design to each customer specification, complete with all the relevant product content.


Product Variant Management


For any product, there is usually an overwhelming percentage of the Bill of Materials (BOM) that’s common across many, most, or all product variants. Teamcenter helps you harness this knowledge to formally manage variability directly within the BOM. You can manage a corporate set of features that can be re-used as new products or product generations are introduced. This allows great efficiency in defining and managing your product over its lifetime.